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  • Jon Reed & Stephen Leckenby

The Risk We Calculate

If you haven't figured it out by now, ADG is laser focused on the human element inside each of our portfolio companies. Every day we explore better methods of drawing out the highest and best use of each individual, working to align their job responsibilities to their God given gifts. We are being purposeful in observation of character, calculation of potential chemistry, evaluation of competency and measurement of capacity, both for immediate effectiveness and for future growth. And it is within these 4 C’s that we find not only our greatest potential risk, but by far our greatest potential for reward.

So let’s talk about character.

Each of us have been in an interview. We have sat on one side of the desk or the other (some of us have more than once been on both sides of that desk) and judged the person across from us. Are we interested in what they can do from a skills standpoint? Sure we are. Do we want to know if they will be able to accomplish the tasks required in the position for which they are interviewing? Of course we do. But what we all really want to know, what we are afraid could be a make or break, is the character of that individual. Because their character is the fabric holding the rest of these key components together.

We have previously referenced Culture Index, an exceptional tool that ADG is implementing to assist in observing this all-important first C. ADG has been able to effectively maximize this tool by integrating it into our overall performance acquisition process. The foundation of that process is our exclusive use of the Calculated RISK Program. This framework provides us a unique capability to Recruit, Interview, Select, and Keep the right people for the right roles at the right time. This is a comprehensive process that is creating better results, a better match, better performance and longer tenure. However, there is more to our ultimate goal with this process. And it is that goal that we are confident sets us apart.

Throughout our process, we are also asking this question: will this job actually provide satisfaction and fulfillment for that potential staff person? The answer becomes a significant part of our conversations and final decision. This answer is so critical that we incorporate different methods in each part of the interview process to make sure we answer it correctly. We might find the answer in the first 5 minutes. We might not find the answer until follow-up interviews. Whatever the time element, we do not deviate from this core element of our process. Because not only have we seen attrition drop from 30% to less than 10% in companies who are utilizing this comprehensive process, we are already seeing the value inside our own companies following the successful selection of two new executive team members. Matt, the new Director of Operations at Fusion Event Staffing and Ashley, the new Controller at Horizon Hydraulics both came to us with excellent skill sets and valuable experience. Collectively, we were able to answer in the affirmative that these new roles were both a means to fulfillment for each individual AND were highest and best use of who they were created to be. The “risk” we took in placing such a high priority on their character and their personal fulfillment has created a net reward that is already paying dividends. And this is just the beginning for these companies and for future acquisitions, a daily journey to see Radical Impact take place in the lives of people and, as a result, in the companies they serve.

Don’t expect our laser focus on people to change any time soon.

If you'd like to learn more about the Calculated RISK program, contact Jon Reed, ADG's Director of Culture and People Development at

Stephen Leckenby serves as ADG's Director of Communications

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